Caudal® pipe
Geotermal systems

Geothermal energy is the energy obtained by harnessing the heat stored under the earth surface. It is a clean and sustainable energy that eliminates dependence on fossil fuels, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Geothermal systems are made up of a heat pump and a collection system consisting of vertical or horizontal probes and a carrier fluid that absorbs natural heat from the ground. Collection systems: vertical and horizontal probes. The PE100 polyethylene pipes for the geothermal probes are manufactured in Spain by CAUDAL and conform to the UNE-EN 12201 standards. They are verified and tested in our qualified laboratory with ENAC-certified and calibrated equipment integrated into our quality and environmentally-friendly management system under ISO standards. ISO 9001:2015 AENOR-IQNET and ISO 14001:2015 AENOR-IQNET.

Technical data


Ø 25 | 32 mm.


10 | 16 bar.

Coils format

Bars format

* Check availability in the catalogue file and/or technical sheet.

Energy exchange with the interior of the earth
  • Excellent thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • High impact resistance.
  • Lightness.
  • High resistance to internal pressure.
  • 100% recyclable.
  • Minimum load loss.
  • Long shelf life.
  • UV protection.
Some uses
Expected use
Tube color according to application